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A member registered Nov 04, 2022

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Jeez these cutscenes are unnecessarily long and melodramatic. Cool, we're reuniting with our family. Now we get to watch all the girls try to fight and kill each other because heroes bad! No, actually heroes good! NO HEROES BAD! NO HEROES GOOD, BECAUSE ACTUALLY MC IS A HERO! WHAAAAAAAT.

Ugh. Also, money grinding is an unbelievable chore. Rather than have Lucy give you 25 silver -to buy the house upgrade-, it would probably have been more expedient to just have that be the moment that makes the house upgrade doable. Because god help you if you aren't paying attention and spend that 25 silver on other expensive things.

Nobody was playing Wizardry IV to  whack it or spend time with their waifus, weirdo.

I ended up using a map on the wiki and that helped immensely and I got through it. Thank you.

4th floor of Labyrinth is ATROCIOUS. First two floors were fine, hell even the third, while annoying with not being sure where the keys were - fine. Fourth floor, between the lag and the near constant trap floors that can't be avoided, I'm about to quit. I've been hooked and this one section has completely soured the experience for me.